Amélia Lakrafi

Amélia Lakrafi

Member of the French Parliament for the 10th Constituency of French Citizens Living Abroad

Amélia Lakrafi

Amélia LAKRAFI is a member of the french Parliament for the 10th constituency of
French citizens living abroad which includes 49 countries in Southern, Central and
Eastern Africa, the Indian Ocean islands and the Middle East. She comes from civil
society and has to her credit the creation and management of several companies. In
2010, she co-founded a company specialized in innovation management, research
funding and evaluation of intangible capital of companies. In 2015, she graduated from
the National Institute for Higher Studies in Security and Justice (INHESJ) at the Ecole
Militaire. She became an expert in economic intelligence, security and corporate safety
and founded another company specializing in consulting and training in cyber security
and economic intelligence. In 2015, she decided to commit herself and put her skills at
the disposal of the security of the French in the Cyberdefense Citizen Reserve, where
she obtained the rank of Commander.

Elected for a first term as a Member of Parliament in 2017 under the En Marche label (President’s majority), Amélia LAKRAFI became a member of the Foreign Affairs Commission, President of the France-United Arab Emirates parliamentary friendship group and administrator of the The Agence française de développement. Re-elected in June 2022, she again sits on the Foreign Affairs Commission and becomes President of the France-Saudi Arabia Parliamentary Friendship Group. She is also a member of the delegation for women’s rights at the French National Assembly. Finally, she is the delegate president of the French section of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie.