Chiara Corazza
Private Sector Representative for France within the G20 EMPOWER Alliance
Chiara Corazza
Chiara Corazza is the Private Sector Representative for France within the G20 EMPOWER Alliance, appointed by President Emmanuel Macron. She has been CEO and Special Representative to the G7 and the G20 at the Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society, the world’s leading platform to promote women’s voices and vision (2017-2021). She is the author of the report ‘Women at the heart of the economy’, as part of the mission she was entrusted by the French Government in the framework of the G7 2019 Summit in Biarritz, to propose some critical recommendations to foster the representation of girls and women in STEM education and in the jobs of the future.
Previously, she was the Managing Director of the Greater Paris Investment Agency (2002-2016) to attract global investments to the Paris Region. As Director of International Affairs of Greater Paris (1985-2002), she created the Metropolis and implemented cooperation between Paris and 20 global capitals.
Chiara is a member of the European Economic and Social Committee for France and member of the Arab International Women’s Forum. She is also a member of the Board of Advisors for OECD and BSR’s Business for Inclusive Growth.
In 2019, she was nominated as the French Foreign Trade Advisor. She has been independent board member of RATP and APRIL.
She has been selected among the 100 more influential women in the world.
She was also awarded the Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur by Christine Lagarde (2009) and Ufficiale della Stella d’Italia by President Sergio Mattarella (2015).